The Best Visual Impairment Books - Top Reviews
Reviews of my recommendations for best books for parents of children with visual impairment.
Many people with visual impairment grow up to have successful lives. These books can help you on your way.
Keys to Educational Success: Teaching Students with Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities
By Sharon Sacks and Mary C. Zatta
A vast number of educational specialists in this well edited collection make Keys to Educational Success a valuable resource. This book covers Visual Impairment topics such as IEPs, mobility, assistive technology, interventions, multiple disabilities and much more.
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Brothers and Sisters
By Laura Dwight
Heartwarming children's picture book about children with special
needs and disabilities, written from the point of view of their siblings.
A lovely display of high quality photographs is the main feature of each
story, showing brothers and sisters happily interacting together, as they
play and go about their normal day together. Informative and upbeat, this
exceptional children's picture book stars a child who is Visually Impaired,
as well as children with Asperger's Syndrome, Deafness, Cerebral Palsy,
and other disabilities. I highly recommend this special needs children's
book for libraries, schools, doctors, therapists, or home.
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Smiley - A Journey of Love
By Joanne George
A children's book illustrated with wonderful photographs of the life story of a blind Golden Retriever, Smiley. Smiley has congenital blindness and has to under go surgery and treatment. He has an indomitable spirit and lifts the mood of everyone he meets. This is the story of his puppyhood and eventually work as a therapy dog with the Saint John Ambulance Paws 4 Stories program, which helps children improve their reading skills by reading to a therapy dog. This book covers many issues including resilience and life with blindness, puppy mills, animal therapy. It provides encouragement for children with visual impairment and anyone interested in animal therapy and rescue dogs.
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Children With Visual Impairments : A Parents' Guide
By M. Cay Holbrook
Solid advice from a parent on helping young children with vision impairment.
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