Best Horse and Dog Therapy Books - Top Reviews

Book reviews of my recommendations for best books for animal therapy for children with special needs.

The time my son spent in horse back therapy really helped strengthen his torso and his muscles which were impacted by cerebral palsy. Plus it was excellent for balance, self esteem and social skills. Here are some of the best books on this heart warming topic.

Eddie Eddie Goes To Kindergarten
By Donna Vaquerl

One of the Rainbow Series: Dogs Who Help. This is an ongoing series of nonfiction children's books, some sprinkled with a bit of fantasy here and there, about real dogs who help others in various ways. These books appeal to children from pre-school through fifth grade. Because they are nonfiction and illustrated with color photographs of the actual dogs in action, they educate as well as entertain. They encourage children to learn to read and love it, and all have at least one important life 'lesson' about diversity, acceptance, love and animal stewardship.
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TashaTasha Finds Her Forever Friend
By Deborah J. Hall

Another of the Rainbow Series: Dogs Who Help. These books appeal to children from pre-school through fifth grade. Because they are nonfiction and illustrated with color photographs of the actual dogs in action, they educate as well as entertain. They encourage children to learn to read and love it, and all have at least one important life 'lesson' about diversity, acceptance, love and animal stewardship.
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Smiley Blind Therapy Dog Smiley - A Journey of Love
By Joanne George

A children's book illustrated with wonderful photographs of the life story of a blind Golden Retriever, Smiley. Smiley has congenital blindness and has to under go surgery and treatment. He has an indomitable spirit and lifts the mood of everyone he meets. This is the story of his puppyhood and eventually work as a therapy dog with the Saint John Ambulance Paws 4 Stories program, which helps children improve their reading skills by reading to a therapy dog. This book covers many issues including resilience and life with blindness, puppy mills, animal therapy. It provides encouragement for children with visual impairment and anyone interested in animal therapy and rescue dogs.
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Unstoppable - Bionic Animals Unstoppable: True Stories of Amazing Bionic Animals
By Nancy Furstinger

Wonderful photographs and true short stories of animals with bionic and prosthetic limbs. From a sanctuary which rescues a three legged goat from New York City to an elephant in Cambodia who loses a leg and gains a new limb, these vignettes will amaze and inspire. All types of animals have new lives with their prosthetics - a sea turtle, an alligator, horse, sheep, dogs, cats, and more. Also portrayed are the heroes who rescue them and create their new appendages, many of whom are also amputees. Many of these adorable critters are also therapy animals and encourage children who need similar procedures.
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Teaming with Your Therapy DogTeaming With Your Therapy Dog
By Annie R. Howie

An easy to read, informative book about taking your dog into various settings as therapy for others. It focuses on how to work with your dog to make your visits successful, with many beneficial suggestions for working with your therapy dog. Those new to therapy with dogs will find this a great place to start.
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Special HorsesSpecial Needs, Special Horses: A Guide to the Benefits of Therapeutic Riding
By Naomi Scott

An overview of the benefits and applications of hippotherapy. This guide introduces you to the various benefits of horse back riding therapy.
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